You manage a company and know the ins-and-outs. You know that employees like "work with less hassle", so why not help them to make the work process easier? Give space administrators the right to define menus, give the users less typing work and free them from hassles. Give them an App that provides a made-to-fit Dropdown Menu: - Non Predefined Macro: Can be directly configured and renders a dropdown menu in view mode
- Predefined Macro: Also renders a dropdown menu, but let's you configure a predefined set of options
- Edit Mode Macro: Renders a fixed value in view mode but options can be selected when in edit mode
- Status Macro: Replaces the basic Confluence lozenge/status macros and contains multiple configurable sets for colors, status, texts, styling and more
- Global and Space* Configuration capabilities
- Page Properties Report supported
- Lock dropdown for future edits* which only administrators can unlock afterwards
- History of dropdown menu set changes*
- Dropdown menu set usage report